Line of succession to the Liechtensteiner throne

Liechtenstein laws allow the line of succession to the throne (which were regulated in 1606) to be by agnatic primogeniture, i.e. inherited by the first-born male of the oldest family line, to the total exclusion of females.

Line of succession

Current monarch: Hans-Adam II.

The Hereditary Prince of Liechtenstein, Prince Alois, Prince Hans-Adam II's eldest son.
Prince Joseph Wenzel of Liechtenstein, Prince Alois's eldest son.
Prince Georg of Liechtenstein, Prince Alois's second son.
Prince Nikolaus of Liechtenstein, Prince Alois's youngest son.
Prince Maximilian of Liechtenstein, Prince Hans-Adam II's second son.
Prince Alfons of Liechtenstein, Prince Maximilian's only son.
Prince Constantin of Liechtenstein, Prince Hans-Adam II's youngest son.
Prince Moritz of Liechtenstein, Prince Constantin's elder son.
Prince Benedikt of Liechtenstein, Prince Constantin's younger son.
Prince Philipp Erasmus of Liechtenstein, Prince Hans-Adam II's brother.
Prince Alexander of Liechtenstein, Prince Philipp Erasmus's eldest son.
Prince Wenzeslaus of Liechtenstein, Prince Philipp Erasmus's second son.
Prince Rudolf of Liechtenstein, Prince Philipp Erasmus's youngest son.
Prince Nikolaus of Liechtenstein, Prince Hans-Adam II's brother.
Prince Josef-Emanuel of Liechtenstein, Prince Nikolaus's son.
Prince Andreas of Liechtenstein, Prince Hans-Adam II's first cousin.
Prince Gregor of Liechtenstein, Prince Hans-Adam II's first cousin.
Prince Christoph of Liechtenstein, Prince Hans-Adam II's first cousin.
Prince Huburtus of Liechtenstein, Prince Hans-Adam II's first cousin.
Prince Alfred Paolo, Prince Hans-Adam II's second cousin once removed.

See also